Free Media for more Accountability


Panel discussion on Thursday, 1st October at 6pm.
Deutsche Welle, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3,53113 Bonn

A discussion will take place about how journalists, particularly those working on the African continent, are able to fulfill their roles. Taking part in this discussion are:

Ludger Schadomsky, Deutsche Welle / Holger Ehling, Reporter ohne Grenzen / Renate Schröder, Europäische Journalisten Föderation / Moderation: Monika Hoegen / Keynote: Thomas Deve, Journalist Simbabwe, UN-Millenniumkampagne

Responsible and independent media provide an indispensable platform in every democratic society. Journalists, including Bloggers and other Web participants, demand accountability from those in responsible positions, provide a forum for debate and stimulate diverse and competitive solutions to the complex issues of our times.

UN surveys reveal that successful government and development on a human level are, to a very large extent, dependent on free and diverse media. Society cannot flourish without freedom of expression and free media.

In countries where freedom of speech is suppressed, war, hunger and poverty are rife.
The UN Millennium Development Goals aim to promote the way forward towards equal opportunities on a global scale. Nine years ago politicians made a pledge to achieve this goal by 2015.
Only with a free and independent media can governments be encouraged to fulfill this pledge.



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